Harry Fetter

Photo by Oliver Fetter.

I was born in Massachusetts and raised in New Hampshire. I am the oldest of six children. Growing up I was very active outdoors hiking, biking, skiing, skating, and playing soccer. I studied Economics at Penn State University and worked in software sales and consulting until the spring of 2023. May 12th, 2023, I left my software job to pursue a career in action sports filming full time.

I always enjoyed riding bikes, both BMX and mountain, and spent countless hours with friends digging and riding. We would usually film our sessions, whether it was with a camcorder or DSLR. I lost interest in riding during high school, deciding to focus my time on soccer. It was only when I got to college that I stopped playing soccer and started riding again.

A close friend of mine reintroduced me to cameras and film in 2016, and that jumpstarted my journey to becoming a video creator. In 2018 I made it my goal to pursue a career in film by working a full-time sales job and learning the world of video at night and on weekends. Fast forward four years, and I am working full time as a video creator filming bikes all over the United States.

I look forward to working with you!